Meet The Team
Thoughtsmiths is led by a team that is committed to delivering best practice based on current research.
Anne Heslop
Anne has focused passionately on the development of organisations and people for 33 years with clients in South Africa and internationally. Her formal psychology training…
Dr Nicola Graham
Nicola is a medical doctor who, in her early years of practice, realised that the quality of work we are able to deliver is hugely dependent on the nature of the teams, the leadership…
Megan Galloway
Megan is a scientist by training. She spent a decade working as a geologist and geochemist in the diamond exploration industry. She understands what it means to literally search…
Meryl Barends
There is no one better suited to be the front face of Thoughtsmiths than Meryl. Meryl cares fiercely for our clients, anticipating needs and getting things done seamlessly…
Althea Banda-Hansmann
Althea was born in the height of Apartheid. This shaped her capacity to facilitate inner and outer transformation. During the past 27 years, Althea has led transformation in corporate and…
Andrea Petersen
Andrea draws from her diverse work experience in tech startups, education, and social impact as a coach and group facilitator. Andrea creates a safe and nurturing environment for clients…
Jessica Uys
Jessica is an Accredited Coach, Facilitator & Researcher. After more than 15 years in the field of Consumer Insights, including a role as Consumer & Market Insight Director for Unilever…
Karen Grant
Karen has a formal background and training in business economics, but was seeking that unique combination of her creative right brain with her more analytical left and…
Kate Clayton
Kate’s calling is to “juice the truth for greater expansion” and she brings this to all parts of her world. She is a trained leadership and teams coach and facilitator, committed to…
Lila Ukabhai
Lila has held many roles from IT programmer, Systems Analyst, Business Analyst and Team Leader, to Manager and Coach during her 25-plus years of experience in the…
Lucy O’Keeffe
Lucy O’Keeffe is a member of the Thoughtsmiths coaching team, accredited at ACC level with the ICF, and a facilitator on our coach training programmes. Her superpower is her ability…
Dr Mo Salomon
Mo Salomon is a strategic facilitator, leadership coach, and yoga teacher who uses mindfulness, the Enneagram, and body awareness. Mo…
Pam Picken
Pam believes passionately that organisations stand or fall on the quality of their leadership. During her 13 years as director of TREE (Training and Resources in Early Education) Pam…
Sameeha Kola
Sameeha is an accredited change practitioner and coach with 15+ years of experience in helping individuals, teams and organisations successfully navigate change…